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Event Schedule

7:35am - Doors to William Monroe High School officially open for businesses to set up. Look for CTE Director Jess Peregoy or other WMHS staff to welcome you & direct you to your table location.

8:05 am - The Career Expo officially begins. Expect 7th, 12th, and 10th graders in these morning sessions to move through the Expo with their classes. We will also be moving some of our Career & Technical Education classes through the Expo as well.

We will have a detailed schedule that we will be running by that you will receive a copy of on the day of the event.

12:30pm - Lunch provided to you by our Culinary Arts students. Please be sure to RSVP how many people you will have in attendance as well as any dietary restrictions you may have. The Expo will remain open during this time. Our CTE program will be taking donations for meals. If you choose to contribute, we would very much appreciate it! Checks can be made out to GCTEC and we will also accept debit & credit cards.


Please fill out this FORM to give us a headcount for lunch!

Have lunch form filled out no later than March 17th

3:00pm -Students will be dismissed. There may be some students who stay after school to visit the booths; however, we anticipate a bit of a short break for you here.

3:15pm -The event is now officially open to the public. Any members of the community and media will be invited in to explore and visit the exhibits.

4:00pm -The event ends. Clean up begins.



Click Here for a detailed minute by minute itinerary.

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